Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Life's Fist Blog Post...

This blog which i am writing is not only my first blog for this site but infact,It is the first Blog of my Ninteen years old life.And now when i have to write a blog,the first thing thats coming on my mind is what to write on this blog...So i am thinking to tell you the main secret behind me starting writing this blog...

I am persuing Journalism from IP University..(No no dont think that me starting this blog to show and improve my writing skills to become a good journalist)...But the main reason is that today we have been asked to make a blog on this site and write regurlarly for it as an ASSIGNMENT!!

I am a bit of Lazy person in my life.I remember once a senior person of Hindustan Times(I dont know who he was,i just met when i went to submit my resume for internship there)...he was talking to me and he told me that if you want to be a good more and write more and more everyday and he said for that today,the best thing is to create blogs and write for it...And i guess he was right also.I thought that i will make an account but as i told you..I was too lazy to do it!!

But today since our New Media Lab Lecturar,Ms Shika has asked us to make a blog otherwise she is not gonna let us sit in the practical..Me and all my other lazy friends have to make an account and write regulalry for it in any case..

Soo...This was my first blog,I dont know how i have written but since i have to be regular in this work..I hope soon i would be able to write well and interesting for you to read and comment..Till then byeee and take cre and always remember
"Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once"-Lillian Dickson

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